About Us
President’s Message
Welcome to SIIT!
In 1976, SIIT was established by First Nation leaders to carry out the vision and needs of our communities and citizens. That vision remains strong and dedicated. Today, as an Indigenous institution governed by First Nation leaders, our vibrant learning community is made up of more than 90% Indigenous students and 70% Indigenous staff. With a province wide footprint of campuses, trade and Career Centres, mobile training units, and many community program sites, SIIT programs are available wherever you are. We consider ourselves fortunate to be able to attract student talent from every community and First Nation in Saskatchewan- welcoming many from beyond provincial borders.
At SIIT, partnership is at the heart of what we do. Federal, Provincial, and community investments create the ability to reach Indigenous learners and job seekers grows every year. In 2017-18, SIIT provided educational programming to over 2,400 students and provided employment services and wrap around supports to more than 6,600 clients.
Our goal is to be responsive to the needs of our learners and provide programs that reflect current labour market needs and standards. Recently, the institute launched a curriculum renewal project that supports innovation in all of our program areas. Through this initiative, we have recommended and implemented several new programs. More than ever, our graduates are positioned for success, and equipped for a highly competitive job market.
Collaboration with community, corporate and educational partners adds strength to our advisory groups, work integrated learning and credit transfer strategies, and provides scholarships and community support to our learners while attending SIIT. We look forward to growing our network for the benefit of our learning community.
We are proud to be a leader when it comes to retention rates and employment outcomes. Our Student Services model ensures that our learners have all the supports they might need on every step on their journey, from initial contact through to their successful entry into the workforce. Our dedicated and professional staff and instructors will support you in your courageous decision to take the next step towards your future.
It’s the students that bring energy, life and culture to the institution at each campus and community location. There will be struggles along your path, and our staff and faculty are committed to partner with you to achieve your goals. We have made many additions to our support team and increased the services we provide. I encourage you to take advantage of the many student supports available. As an SIIT student, we are dedicated to working with you towards success.
When you choose SIIT, you join and accomplished group of more than 55,000 alumni creating change and prosperity in First Nation communities, on a local and global scale. As a part of the SIIT family we take pride in our collective accomplishments and share our enthusiasm for the future.
On behalf of SIIT’s staff, faculty and Board of Governors, we wish you all the best.
Riel Bellegarde
President and CEO
Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies
Head Office
Suite 100-103A Packham Avenue
Asimakaniseekan Askiy Reserve
Saskatoon, SK S7N 4K4